For Today, December 10th, 2008
Outside my window...it is freezing, abnormal around here, and I know it desperately wants to snow but we are just not that lucky
I am thinking...that it is ironic that a few days ago I burned the outside of my hands and now they are like icicles
I am thankful for....all the beautiful-hearted children in the world that bring a smile to my face
From the learning rooms.... my old boss contacted me so it looks like I might be homeschooling again next year
From the kitchen.....there sits a bunch of cans of soup for hubby, who did not respond well to his anesthesia yesterday
I am wearing....long sleeved shirt topped by a hoodie, jeans topped with blanket, I'm still cold!
I am creating.... a baby blanket for my new niece to be born in February
I am going... to a wedding on Friday for my best friend, for whom I never thought I would live to see the day
I am reading...still reading Marie Antoinette, but in between that I am reading some Smithsonian magazines I got at the library for only 10 cents a piece; I will later save them to use in projects
I am hoping...that a visit to the doctor will tell me I am not broken, and that I can stop resenting someone in my life and accept what may come
I am hearing...the ticking of my I Love Lucy clock and the Matrix playing in the living room
Around the house...abundant Christmas decorations are in every corner, along with mail I haven't opened yet, socks that the cats stole, and craft items I haven't decided what to do with yet
One of my favorite things....my lap desk, I use it for everything
A few plans for the rest of the week....Thursday nanny-ing followed by some rest finally!; Friday supermarket and wedding, and Saturday baking at the restaurant which is going really well by the way! I can't keep up with the demand
Here's a picture thought I am sharing:
I love when cameras do funny things. One day I will own a professional camera and live in scrapbook heaven forever!
Can you guess what it is?